A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: fopen(/home/nmhmyna/tmp/ci_sessionadfb5fc7b77e460a78cb7b7a98646d3798534a03): Failed to open stream: No space left on device

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 172


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Line: 254
Function: library

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Function: ci_autoloader

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Line: 67
Function: initialize

File: /home/nmhmyna/web/my.na/public_html/application/controllers/A.php
Line: 7
Function: __construct

File: /home/nmhmyna/web/my.na/public_html/index.php
Line: 320
Function: require_once

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: session_start(): Failed to read session data: user (path: /home/nmhmyna/tmp)

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 143


File: /home/nmhmyna/web/my.na/public_html/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 254
Function: library

File: /home/nmhmyna/web/my.na/public_html/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 154
Function: ci_autoloader

File: /home/nmhmyna/web/my.na/public_html/application/core/MY_Loader.php
Line: 67
Function: initialize

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Line: 7
Function: __construct

File: /home/nmhmyna/web/my.na/public_html/index.php
Line: 320
Function: require_once

2 Results Sort by:
Adventure Camping Hire and Sales cc

Based on: 3 reviews

Adventure Camping Hire and Sales cc

33 Tacoma Street, Suiderhof, Windhoek

We offer unique camping gear and equipment for Hire at very affordable rates . From tents and -20 degree freezers to 4x4 trailers equipped with everything a camper or adventure camper needs to enjoy...

4x4 Equipment Camping Equipment Campsite Camping and Caravan Tent rentals

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Warthog 4x4 Safari Rentals

Warthog 4x4 Safari Rentals

No 2 Adler Street Windhoek

Warthog 4x4 Safari Rentals is your premier 4x4 hire company in Namibia. We offer the most reliable fleet of 4x4 rentals in Namibia. Our service is unmatched and our knowledge of the namibian travel routes...

4x4 Equipment Car Rental and Breakdown cars rent

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Namibia Map

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4x4 equipment in Namibia

https://www.my.na/map/result_ajax/", 'data': { 'cat': cat, 'type': type }, 'dataType': "json", 'success': function (data) { locations = data; deleteMarkers(); //geolocate(map); setMarkers(map, locations); } }); } $('#sort_asc').on('click', function(e){ $('#sortby').val('ASC'); var frm = $('#search-main_b'); frm.serialize(); frm.submit(); }); $('#sort_desc').on('click', function(e){ $('#sortby').val('DESC'); var frm = $('#search-main_b'); frm.serialize(); frm.submit(); }); $('#sort_rate').on('click', function(e){ $('#sortby').val(''); var frm = $('#search-main_b'); frm.serialize(); frm.submit(); }); // Sets the map on all markers in the array. function setAllMap(map) { for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { markers[i].setMap(map); } } // Removes the markers from the map, but keeps them in the array. function clearMarkers() { setAllMap(null); } // Shows any markers currently in the array. function showMarkers() { setAllMap(map); } // Deletes all markers in the array by removing references to them. function deleteMarkers() { clearMarkers(); markers = []; } var styles = [{"featureType":"administrative","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"}]},{"featureType":"landscape","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#fcfcfc"}]},{"featureType":"poi","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#fcfcfc"}]},{"featureType":"road.highway","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#dddddd"}]},{"featureType":"road.arterial","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#dddddd"}]},{"featureType":"road.local","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#eeeeee"}]},{"featureType":"water","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"},{"color":"#dddddd"}]}];