Sandune Lodge

160km east from Windhoek International Airport on the B6 route to Botswana Buite

160km east from Windhoek International Airport on the B6 route to Botswana Buite Gobabis Omaheke Region Namibia


Sandune Lodge - NTB Member


Sandune Game Lodge is set on 4 600 hectare fenced game farm in the Kalahari Forest area. About 160 km from the Windhoek International Airport. There are more than 1 000 game animals encompassing over 13 different species on the farm.

Accommodation at the lodge includes seven twin en-suite rooms which have single or double beds including three sharing units with two bedrooms each. These can accommodate up to four people. They have a viewing deck where guests can see the waterhole. All rooms have electric lights and plug-in points; mosquito repellent; shaving and room mirrors; hair dryers; overhead roof fans and a room safe.
The Sandune Safari bush villa is 8 km from the main lodge. There is one honeymoon suite and two en-suite rooms which have solar lighting; mosquito nets; room safes and room mirrors. The honeymoon suite is in a two storey high roomwith a patio which is great for game viewing. Meals are prepared by a personal chef.
The Sandune Lodge offers tented accommodation within walking distance of the main lodge. There are three en-suite bush tents which are equipped with showers; tea/coffee station; solar lighting and wildlife views.
The Sandune bush ten accommodation is about 6 km from the main lodge. There are three tents on the perimeters of the waterholes. They have power from solar energy and lights and warm warm water in the en-suite covered showers as well as tea/coffee stations.

Activities include game drives; night drives; cultural visits; bird watching and guided walks.


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